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Summer Collective
June 15 - August 20, 2023
For this year's summer collective we are excited to be showing work on paper by the gallery artists.
Judy Mauer: Viscosity
February 2 - March 26, 2023
In Bauer's series “Viscosity”, she move from the hard surface of glass to the soft transitory moments when the wind and light meet the surface of the water. In each frame the reflections shift, mix and blend constantly creating new, painterly images. Each picture is a close up of objects in moving water.

Brian Riley: Nothingness
February 2 - March 26, 2023
For his second solo show at the gallery, we present works from Riley's Nothingness series. According to Riley, "the art I make asks me questions. Who am I, what is this time I am in, and most of all, how can I manifest ideas that lead to the positive growth of things outside myself?
Kristian von Hornsleth
December 1- January 22, 2023
While Hornsleth's work is stunningly diverse, throughout all of it certain themes unify and identify his unmistakable "brand." Hornsleth's cutting social commentary spares no one and nothing. He unflinchingly skewers modern culture, social mores...even the art market itself with "in your face" works that are sometimes explicit, even offensive. There's nothing subtle about Kristian's work, it challenges our ideas about what art is and whatever your reaction to his work is, the one thing that is certain is that it won't leave you indifferent and that is exactly what the artist wants.

Alex Voinea: 3 Seconds After Lift-off
September 8 - November 6, 2022
In these most recent paintings, the characteristic elements of Voinea’s previous work, such as big brushstrokes, splashes and drippings have evolved and begun to intwine. His interest is focused on the interaction and connection of these different elements. In these new works an additional element has materialized and has joined in the search for prominence. As a natural result of the commingling of all of these various elements on the canvas, shadows now appear. A new dimension has been created; a new perspective just as the paint begins to rise up and levitate above the canvas.
Summer Collective
June 2 - August 14, 2022
Collective (adjective): denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole​.
Come check out our second annual summer group show with new work by gallery artists.

Pere Pascual: Ephemeral Reflections
March 10 - May 1, 2022
Pere Pascual's interest in detail and what human's cannot see with the naked eye has led him to investigate the possibilities of macro photography, offering photos full of color and detail, portraits of very small everyday objects that we rarely observe so closely, like the texture of the petals of a flower, its shadows, the nuances of its colors, its folds and contours.
Brian Riley: Mapping Neverland
January 13 - February 27, 2022
i le gallery is pleased to introduce American mixed media artist Brian Riley. For his first solo show at the gallery we present a series about secret places, childhood, imagination, and energy, how nature is abstract in its action.

Judy Mauer: NY Dolls
November 4 - December 19, 2021
This series revolves around architecture, scenes on the street and mannequins in store windows - concentrating on the reflections in the glass. Mauer combines these elements to create new narratives fusing interior and exterior. These images evoke a decidedly cinematic feeling while challenging our perceptions of what is real. These are not double-exposures, they were created with one shot, in her camera, in the moment.
Alex Voinea: The Underside of White
September 9 - October 31, 2021
With this most recent work, the fading backgrounds of Voinea's previous work have given way to a play on the treatment of the painting surface whether through the use of raw linen (without the usual white gesso layer) or works in which the color seems burst out from under that white gesso layer.

Summer Collective
June 10 - August 22, 2021
We are thrilled to be inaugurating our new space with a collective show of works by gallery artist Alex Voinea and several new artists, including the American photographer Judy Mauer, mixed media artists Brian Riley (USA) and Kristian von Hornsleth (Denmark) and the Spanish photographer Pere Pascual.
We're moving!
New location, same great art.
Jordi Artigas: Earth
February 9 - 24, 2019
After his success at the Affordable Art Fair Milan, Jordi Artigas presents his first solo show at the gallery, "Earth". Artigas, in his abstract work, is an heir to Spanish Informalism; in his work we can see echoes of the Catalan artist Antoni Tàpies and the Canary island artist Manolo Millares, the two greatest exponents of this important artistic movement. Like them, Artigas hypnotizes us with his material-heavy work, both earthy and vibrant, at times saturated with color and other times more subtle. His gestures, which are traced across the canvas (crosses, circles,
lines...), are safe while at the same time almost savage in their impact.

Casual Intent: Alex Voinea
September 12 - October 6, 2019
Do you know how to control an accident? An exhibition of new work by gallery artist Alex Voinea explores the relationship between the coincidental and purposeful.

Adolfo Rua: Abstracts
August 30 - September 23, 2018
For his second solo exhibition with i le gallery, Adolfo Rua will present works from his newest series of abstracts, Organic Gestures.

Rebel, Rebel: New Work by Thomas de Marsay
August, 2 - 26, 2018
When we say "rebel" we always think, unconsciously, of James Dean, the eternal icon of rebellious youth. Such is the dimension of a short life lived with intensity. Before him, Marlon Brando was the first actor to change the way he interpreted and lived in Hollywood, becoming the greatest exponent of the Actor's Studio, the legendary theatrical laboratory directed by Lee Strasberg. "Rebel, Rebel" is an exhibition dedicated to these two icons of cinema and mass culture.
Summer Collective Exhibition
July 5 - 29, 2018
As part of this year's summer collective exhibition, i le gallery is pleased to present the works of our newest artist, Jordi Artigas, alongside new works by the other gallery artists.

Alex Voinea: Learning to Fly
June 7 - July 1, 2018
In 2013, Alex Voinea opened a studio gallery in the center of Sitges where he could produce and exhibit his abstract works. That space is now i le gallery. In celebration of its 5 year anniversary, i le gallery presents, Learning to Fly, works from the gallery's founder Alex Voinea's newest series.
Anna Peserico: Solo Rosso
March 22, 2018 - May 6, 2018
For her second solo exhibition at i le gallery, artist Anna Peserico presents "Solo Rosso", an exhibition born out of a play on words. A chromatic retrospective with a contradictory title which the artist uses to give importance to the absence of the color red.

February 5, 2018 - March 18, 2018
When we hide behind a disguise or a mask we forget our fears and prejudices and are free to be ourselves. We act in a more uninhibited way and for a few days we live a different reality; a playful, free and imaginative one, one with more color. i le gallery presents, “Carnival", an exhibition in which artists Anna Peserico, Thomas de Marsay, Adolfo Rua and Alex Voinea pay homage to this celebration.
Face to face
November 9, 2017 - January 21, 2018
Face to face, not a combat, but rather a dialogue between opposites: abstract versus figurative. Anna Peserico and Alex Voinea on one side, representing abstract art and on the other side, Adolfo Rua and Thomas de Marsay, representatives of the figurative. Though often perceived as opposites, the distinction is not always so clear. As in the trees of Adolfo Rua, that when looked at closely, reveal colorful abstraction. Or when approaching the works of Alex Voinea we perceive in a very defined, but distorted way, animals, figures and landscapes. Anna Peserico and Thomas de Marsay are less ambiguous and more immersed in their categories, abstract painting and figurative painting respectively, however they are similar in their preference for sober, rigorous and nuanced colors.
Face to face, a confrontation in which blows are not exchanged, but embraces.

Suelos, Adolfo Rua
March 18 - April 2, 2017
"Suelos" is a show of paintings which represent typical floors of the old Catalan tradition. Beautiful geometry and subtle colours, which the painter Adolfo Rua transmits with his usual style: suggesting light and shadow in an impressionist manner, sometimes touching on pointillism, through the juxtaposition of colour. However, this juxtaposition is supported by rigorous drawing, conquered after many years of work, arguably, since Rua began drawing as a child in the study of the father, a painter trained at the prestigious San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid, where, among others, Dali studied. A level of demand and rigour which was transmitted to his son and that has never left him. In short, these colorful paintings exhibited in i le gallery are served by superb drawing skills and sense of joy, as well as the soul of the artist.
New Work, Alex Voinea
February 10 - March 12, 2017
More powerful; stronger in form and color; more dynamic in their composition; more balance between the drippings, brushstrokes, fading backgrounds and explosions of colour… This is what we find in the new work of Alex Voinea, a balance between chaos and order, between strength and serenity, violent and nuanced color. Similar to a storm that moves while it hints at a quiet blue sky, Alex Voinea’s new work attracts and intimidates, strikes and caresses at the same time.

New Work, Thomas de Marsay
February 10 - March 12, 2017
Two characters facing the sea; a woman waiting in a petrol station; two women sitting at a café in Paris; a sunny morning on an American street... These are some of the scenes (mostly set in the 1950s) that the painter Thomas de Marsay offers in this exhibition of new works. Some of the paintings are reminiscent of Edward Hopper and his halo of mystery and others to Mariano Fortuny or Dutch masters of the seventeenth-century because of their small size and their delight in detail. Paintings, small in format, atmospheric, with careful though carefree brushwork, sober color and drawn with mastery.
In - Out, Anna Peserico
September 21 - October 12, 2017
In - Out, a shape enters and another leaves, a line goes up and another goes down, a circle that opens and a circle which closes, a half that darkens and a half which becomes clear... The Italian painter Anna Peserico exhibits her work at i le gallery this autumn, a work rich in nuances, of a power without shrillness, monochrome at times, at others makes reference to Nicolas de Staël. We also discovered in her work echoes of Lucio Fontana, one of the stated influences of the artist, although without the aggressiveness of his pictorial style suggesting that the Italian artist has resolved tearing the canvas with a knife. The work of Peserico is balanced and rich in nuance, serene and spiritual, but with a subtle and evocative sensuality.

Art al Vidre
July 1 - August 7, 2016
Anna Peserico, Alex Voinea, Thomas de Marsay and seventeen more artists exhibit over 200 bottles in a display of creativity where each artist applied his or her particular style, be it abstract painting, figurative painting, sculpture, photography, collage, printmaking or conceptual art, to recycled. All this using a medium as banal and everyday as a wine bottle, turning it into a work of art. Exhibition in collaboration with the Fundacio Pinnae, Vilafranca de Penedes and as part of the the ViJazz festival.
Recicl'art/Art Sitges Weekend 2016
June 9 - July 17, 2016
From the 9th to the 12th of June, the Sitges Association of Art Galleries (SAGA) celebrates Art Sitges Weekend. This year’s edition is focused on the theme of recycling, through the collaboration with the festival Drapart (festival of art created with recycled materials). The event includes exhibitions of painting, sculpture and installations, as well as various activities and performances. i le gallery artists Alex Voinea and Thomas de Marsay will exhibit works made from recycled materials as part of the exhibition in Miramar.
de París a Sitges
September 18 - October 2, 2015
Marie Serruya, Lily Kyann and Juliette Montier, three artists living in Paris exhibit their work in i le gallery. Marie Serruya is a sculptor and much of her work is small, almost miniature, portraits of figures such as Gandhi, Audrey Hepburn, Dalí..., in which this amazing artist is able to capture personality and the likeness of the portrayed on a small surface. The painter Lily Kyann exhibits works that resemble universes, an abstract work although at first glance it seems to be constellation-filled planets, satellites and star dust. Lily Kyann's painting is a painting full of force, mysterious and profound. Juliette Montier, both painter and photographer, exhibits photographs that, through a subtle capture of light and by manipulation of the camera and later retouching, reality is transformed into an abstract picture that remind us of some abstract paintings by Gerard Richter.
Be Cool
July 19 - August 9, 2015
The world of jazz seen by eight artists, including Thomas de Marsay, Alex Voinea and Anna Peserico. Characters like Billie Holliday, Chet Baker, Peggy Lee, Tony Bennett and Frank Sinatra are portrayed by Thomas de Marsay with his customary skill and sobriety of color, while Alex Voinea captures the rhythm and energy of jazz through movement and the combination of his splashes of colour, distributed on the canvas with a stunning variety of effects. Exhibition in collaboration with the Fundació Pinnae, Vilafranca de Penedes and as part of the the ViJazz festival.
Art Sitges Weekend 2015
June 12-14, 2015
Art Sitges Weekend is an event held during a weekend in June where, as carried out in other major cities around the world, all the galleries of the city jointly organize a series of activities and inaugurate summer exhibitions. Performances, live music, lectures and conferences, screenings of documentaries, artistic workshops and other activities are conducted during the four days of the event. i le gallery presents the exhibition Duality, with painters Alex Voinea and Thomas de Marsay, a duality of abstraction and figuration. Art Sitges Weekend is organized by the Sitges Association of Art Galleries (SAGA).
Marc Egger
May 26 - June 2, 2015
From May 26th to June 2nd, 2015 i le gallery will exhibit the work of the Swiss Painter Marc Egger. Works painted partly with phosphorescent pigments that absorb light (natural or artificial) and later emit that light in the dark. For more than 30 years, Marc Egger painted with this technique and exhibited in museums and galleries in the United States, Europe and Switzerland. Paintings that give face to daylight and when observed in the dark, are both mysterious and profound.
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